September 17, 2011
Cessna Corvalis Ground School

We have had several requests for the famous Cessna Corvalis Class the last couple of weeks, and we listened. Bob Hepp, the Corvalis guru himself, will present the eight hour ground school at the Manassas office on Saturday, September 17th. The seminar will start at 8am, and will finish around 5pm, with a quick break for lunch in the middle (BYOL). The class will cover the aircraft systems, high altitude considerations, including oxygen, weather, vertical navigation, advanced G1000 operations, and more. This is your first step toward the checkout in this phenomenal cross country machine.
The cost of the class is $225, which includes a copy of the Cessna 400 Corvalis manual and at least eight hours of picking Bob's brain. Call the HEF office to sign up. Feel free to call any office if you have questions about the aircraft, the class or rental requirements.